My Dog Has a Bump on Her Private Area (14 Possible Causes)


Once bumps or lumps appear on the dog’s private area, the first question pet owners have is what it could be and what to do. Skin issues resulting in lumps and bumps in dogs are among the ten most common problems owners encounter, so if you find yourself asking now, my dog has a bump on her private area (or elsewhere on the body), there are a few ways you can answer this for yourself quickly.

Usually, it’ll be nothing to worry about; however, this could be something more dangerous and thus you must know how to recognize the type of growth that it is. Once you notice that your dog licks genitals more than usual, investigate the reason and take the animal for examination if need be. Only the vet can make the right diagnosis after testing, and determine if the bumps are something benign or if it’s malignant tumor.

RELATED: 6 Common and Serious Dog Skin Conditions (And What to Do About Them)

14 Types of Bumps in Dogs

Luckily, the benign bumps in dogs are more frequent than malignant ones, and they are not complicated to treat in most cases. Once the cancerous growth occurs, the outcome of the condition will primarily depend on the speed of the owner’s response. You can have a better idea by looking at dog bump pictures below, but bring the dog to the vet anyway.

Early veterinary diagnosis of bumps on a dog’s private area or elsewhere on the dog’s body, and timely treatment, will significantly increase the chances of the outcome being favorable. The most common types of bumps that could be found on a dog’s private areas are these below, with photos.

Pyoderma on dog picture

1. Pyoderma

Pyoderma is a purulent skin disease in dogs caused by bacteria that multiply in vulva and penis area. Another reason for this is skin friction during movement, particularly in overweight dogs. When the animal rubs two surfaces of the skin against each other continually, it will become moist and, consequently, inflamed.

Skin Tag on a dog

2. Skin Tag

Skin tags are fairly common to see on a dog’s body, including their private areas. These fibrous growths usually occur on the skin of older dogs of any breed or gender, but large breed dogs are generally more prone to this condition. Fortunately, these bumps are harmless and don’t require any treatment.

Photo of dermatitis on a dog

3. Dermatitis

There are a few types of dermatitis in dogs, but all of them include some kind of skin inflammation. In a case of the appearance of bumps in the vulva and vagina in dogs, the causes are usually poisonous plants, cleaners, and detergents.

You will spot redness and bumps in the irritated area, as well as enhanced scratching and licking of the vulva. The severity of symptoms will depend on the causative agent, but the dog’s persistent scratching can worsen the condition.

Over time, these bumps can transform into open sores and scabs, which often leads to a bacterial infection. Taking the dog to the vet for an examination and treatment that includes anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve itching is highly recommended.

Wart on a dog

4. Warts (Papilloma)

Warts (fibropapillomas, canine viral papillomatosis) that occur in young dogs is not a condition the dog owner needs to worry too much about. However, be careful and don’t confuse them with more severe diseases, which are not as harmless. Pugs and Cocker Spaniels are breeds most prone to the occurrence of cauliflower-like growths. The vet will diagnose these benign tumors after a physical examination.

Vaccine rash on a dog

5. Vaccine (Allergic Reaction)

It is not rare that a small bump appears at the point of the puncture after vaccination in dogs, which could sometimes be an allergic reaction. This change is generally not dangerous and is only an aesthetic problem that will disappear over time.

Folliculitis in Dogs

6. Folliculitis

Folliculitis is an infection that includes red bumps in hair follicles around the outer side of the dog’s vulva. While at first harmless, without adequate treatment, they will develop pustules and scabs over time. This needs to be addressed, and the primary treatment will include simply better hygiene and sometimes antibiotics for up to two months.

Cyst on a dog picture

7. Sebaceous Cysts

Such sebaceous cysts in dogs occur when the sebaceous gland becomes blocked, similar to how humans get acne and cysts, too. However, you should never squeeze them. The condition is entirely benign, and the vet will solve the problem by cleaning and encapsulation the bump. Left untreated, it may disappear anyway, but it may still recur.

Papules on a dog

8. Papules

The papules (pustules) in dogs are a type of relief bumps smaller than 0.4 inches (1 cm) in diameter that occurs on the dog’s skin, including private areas. The causes could be numerous, such as allergies, exposure to toxic substances, or follicular infections. In most cases, they disappear without any treatment.

Abscess on a dog photo

9. Abscess

This bag near your dog’s private area will be filled with pus and occurs mostly around poorly healed and infected injuries or bites. It can be located anywhere on the dog’s body, including the vulva area. Fortunately, the treatment is uncomplicated and includes draining the abscess and applying ointments and creams to speed up the healing.

Urticaria (Hives) on a dog

10. Urticaria (Hives)

Urticaria in dogs is a rash of the red round itching bumps on the skin. The most common underlying cause is a reaction of the animal’s body to some allergen. In most cases, hives in dogs will disappear on their own. In more severe cases, the vet will prescribe an antihistamine to reduce irritation.

Lipoma on a dog

11. Lipomas

Lipomas are benign tumors – fatty, soft bumps located under your pet’s skin, most commonly seen in middle-aged dogs of any breed and gender. They are often considered a part of aging and don’t require removal. Overweight dogs are more prone to this condition.

Mast Cell Tumor on a dog

12. Mast Cell Tumors

The mast cells are regularly spread throughout the dog’s body, but they can become malignant sometimes without any apparent reason. It is the most common canine skin cancer that causes the occurrence of bumps anywhere on the body, including the vulvae region. Breeds prone to this are older Bulldogs, Beagles, Golden Retrievers, Boston Terriers, Labradors, Schnauzers, and Boxers.

Melanoma on a dog photo

13. Melanoma

Once melanocytes (pigment-carrying cells) begin growing uncontrollably, canine melanoma tumor will occur. In a case when the cause of this condition is not sunlight, the bumps are usually benign and treatable. Unfortunately, the prognosis of aggressive melanomas is not promising.

Transmissible Venereal Tumor on a dog

14. Transmissible Venereal Tumors

Even though it is quite a rare contagious disease in dogs, Transmissible Venereal Tumors are highly dangerous since it is the only sexually transmitted cancer that passes on from one dog to another directly during copulation.

Once singular or multiple bumps occur on the dog’s vulva, it is necessary to take your pet to the vet and start with an adequate treatment right away. The treatment includes chemotherapy for a few weeks and one session of radiotherapy. It is highly recommended to spay the dog after healing to avoid future infection.


Once you spot bumps on your dog’s private area, you should take your pet to the vet for examination. While chances of this being something dangerous are low, testing and diagnosis still needs to be made to prevent a sad outcome.

The most relevant information necessary to diagnose diseases in dogs that result in such bumps anywhere on the dog’s body includes the speed of its appearance, possible changes in size, shape, and color of the growth, as well as the overall health condition of the animal. Based on medical history, external examination, and biopsy, the vet will determine the type of the disease and adequate treatment, if any.

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