Petural Dog Nail Grinder – Top Dog Tips

Clipping a dog’s nails is one of the scariest grooming tasks faced by pet owners. If you’re not experienced in this area of home grooming, you’re probably intimidated by the thought of the task. Products like the Petural Dog Nail Grinder allow you to slowly file down the nail instead of quickly clipping off the end.

Nail grinders are a more appealing option for many owners and professional groomers alike. There are pros and cons to using nail grinders, but overall they are very safe and effective. I have lots of experience with cutting dog nails, and I personally prefer to use clippers for just one reason – they are much faster than using a grinder.

Grinders file down the nail slowly, but for most pet owners they feel much safer to use. While there is still a chance that you could file the nail too short and expose the quick, it’s much less likely when using this type of grooming tool. However, it also takes a lot longer to grind the tip of the nail down than it does to simply clip it off.

Grinders also make noise and cause a small amount of vibration on the paw. This can be upsetting to some dogs, especially those with an aversion to nail trimming and grooming. With time and gradual training, it is likely that your dog will get used to it. Still, nail grinders won’t be a suitable tool to use with all dogs.

Petural Dog Nail Grinder Review

Dog Nail GrinderNail grinders are similar to a nail file for humans, except that they are powered by a battery and you don’t have to move them back and forth. The file on the head of the grinder rotates rapidly to file down the nail much faster than you could with a manual file.

Grinders are very easy to use. As long as the battery is charged, you just turn the grinder on and you’re ready to trim Fido’s nails. You just have to be careful that you do not press into the nail too firmly. This will cause the file head to stop spinning and could cause pain to your pet as well.

Hold the grinder against the nail with light pressure, and file until the pointed tip is gone. These products take a lot of the guess work out of trimming your pup’s nails.

As you can see in my video guide above, this nail grinder was designed with whisper quiet technology. I also demonstrate the two speeds – low and high. In high speed, the file head spins faster to file the nail quicker. This speed is also beneficial if you’re using the Petural dog nail grinder on a large breed dog with especially thick nails.

In my video you can see that there are three ports for small, medium and large nails. The cover has a small hole and a larger opening for small and medium nails. If your dog has large nails, like my Labrador, you can take the cover off to expose the entire file head.

ALSO: 6 Tips For Cutting Your Dog’s Nails At Home

This grinder is extremely lightweight. It weighs just 9 ounces! This is very beneficial if you have multiple pets or you’re a professional dog groomer. You can use it for a very long time without suffering hand fatigue.

I also like that this trimmer is cordless. That is a HUGE benefit over other products. When you’re shopping for a nail grinder, a cordless option should definitely be on your list.

You’ll be moving the grinder from paw to paw and maneuvering it at different angles. If you have to worry about a cord getting in the way, it will get quite frustrating. Plus, having a cord hanging over them or randomly touching them may scare a timid dog.

The Petural Dog Nail Grinder has a rechargeable battery with a run time of about 4 hours when it’s fully charged. It takes about 2 hours to completely charge the battery if it dies.

You can purchase this dog nail grinder on Amazon for $23.99. That’s comparative to other small nail grinders, so I would certainly recommend this as a good option for any pet owner looking for a nail grinder for their pup. This tool could also be used on cats or other small animals that require nail trimming.

If you’re interested in purchasing this nail grinder, our friends at Petural are offering our readers a 20% off coupon code. The code to use is topdogtips when you checkout through the Amazon link above. This will drop the price to $19.19! The code is valid through November 20, 2020.

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